Our Mission
REV3Endurance Coaching supports individuals to achieve their outdoor fitness goals through professional endurance, fitness, & sports performance coaching. Through our coaching, individuals are empowered to “Live an Adventurous Lifestyle”.
Professional Endurance Coaching for the Adventurer and Endurance Athlete

Our Clients
Our clients span a variety of backgrounds ranging from competitive athletes to outdoor enthusiasts Whether you are seeking to improve your performance or simply seeking a lifestyle change, we will support you in achieving your goals.
• Adventure Racers
• Ultra-Endurance Athletes
• Trail Runners
• Mountain Bikers
• Outdoor Enthusiasts
• Mountaineers
• General Fitness & Wellness

NICK HURFF ms, cscs
Our Coach
Nick Hurff MS, CSCS is a professional strength and conditioning coach who has trained over 1,050 athletes, 31 NCAA and Intercollegiate Teams, multiple NCAA All-Americans, and record-holding ultra-endurance athletes. He has a masters of exercise science from liberty university and is a graduate professor who teaches evidence-based performance enhancement for Alvernia university's masters of athletic training department.
Nick Hurff is also an ultra-endurance athlete and accomplished adventure racer. He was Ranked #1 in the U.S. in 2023 by USARA Individual Power Rankings from June-September and has multiple First Place and Podium finishes. He has raced at all distances including six-day expedition.
In his more than 7 years of coaching experience, he has become skilled in his craft and is a master of his coaching style. Coach Hurff will help you improve your performance, fitness, and general health & wellness to achieve your goals.
Director of Sports Performance, Alvernia University
31 NCAA & Intercollegiate Teams
500+ athletes (multiple NCAA All-Americans)
Graduate Professor; Evidence-Based Performance Enhancement
M.S. Exercise Science, Liberty University
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, NSCA
Sponsored Ultra-Endurance Athlete
#1 USARA Individual Power Rankings, Jun.-Sep. 2023
Multiple 1st Place and Podium Finishes
Former U.S. Army Ranger and Combat Veteran

Coach Hurff (right) and his teammate John (left) navigating a class II rapid as part of the REV3 Endurance Shenandoah River 12 Hour Adventure Race (AR), where they took first place. Coach Hurff enjoys the welcoming community of AR and embracing challenges.

Our Services
We offer 1:1 professional endurance coaching. This includes customized programming, multiple coaching calls per month, and access to Training Peaks software and analytics. With REV3 Coaching, you and your coach know one another, which leads to a truly personalized training program. Your results will show the REV3 difference.

REV3 Coaching Packages
Our Performance Coaching Package is designed for those who want a customized training plan which is personally created for you, your lifestyle, and your goals. 1:1 monthly coaching calls allow us to synchronize your training plan with your personal, family, and work schedules while reviewing training data and analytics so we effectively use your training time to target your goals. This package is perfect for individuals looking for 1:1 coaching with professional programming.
1:1 monthly Coaching Calls, video or phone
100% custom training plan
Data analytics integration
Training Peaks Account
Coach Email Support
*4 month minimum commitment
REV3 Performance Package

REV3 Elite Package
The REV3 Elite Coaching Package is the ultimate performance coaching service. Designed for those who want the highest quality in personal endurance coaching for ultimate results. Our Elite Package Coaching is excellent for those with busy lifestyles and rapidly changing schedules who want to achieve maximal results. Weekly program modifications, unlimited coaching text support, and Bi-Weekly 1:1 coaching meetings allow us to synchronize your training, personal, family, and work schedules while integrating training data analytics so we capitalize your time availability to achieve maximal results. For those wanting the highest quality in professional performance coaching.
Bi-Weekly 1:1 Coaching Calls, video or phone
Weekly Training Plan Modifications
Training Peaks Account
100% custom training plan
Data analytics integration
Coach Access via Phone, Text, + Email Support
*4 month minimum commitment

Team Training Package
Our Team Training Package provides the same services as our REV3 Elite package however for teams of up to 4 individuals. A customized team training program, individual access to Training Peaks software, Bi-Weekly Team Coaching Calls, weekly training modifications, and unlimited group text messaging with your coach.
Bi-Weekly Team Coaching Calls, video or phone
Weekly Training Plan Modifications
Training Peaks Account
100% custom training plan
Data analytics integration
Coach Access via Phone, Text, + Email Support
*4 month minimum commitment

Coaching Consultations
Our consultations allow our professional coach to address the areas of your choosing and provide insight, guidance, and assistance. Many individuals will use this service to assist in guiding their personal program. Others use this service when they have plateaued, have become bored with their current training regimen, want guidance on training for a specific event, or review a recent race performance which may have not gone well.
Coaching consultations are great for the motivated individual who already trains consistently and wants professional insight, reviews, and guidance.
$100 / hr.